The Journey of Living Well: Author Patricia (Trish) Heitz

Living in T.H.R.I.V.E.

As a family caregiver, it seems like you are the giving tree; always giving, never receiving. It’s important that you find balance between giving care and taking care of you. Here are some ways to work on finding that balance and staying positive. Staying positive keeps you in an elevated place, so you can detach yourself from the stress of what is going on around you.

Burn out is a real issue. Keep yourself positive as much as possible, and: 

  • Ask for and accept help. Remember, it takes a village…
  • Focus on what you can do and what you cannot do and be okay with releasing judgment.
  • Get connected…. learn about caregiving resources in your area.
  • Seek social support. Stay connected to family and friends who support you. Take time for yourself.

You can help yourself stay more positive by working on ways to keep the energy of thriving alive in your life.

Utilize these six principles, or even one at a time, each day at a time when you feel the need:

  • Thankfulness
    • Learning how to view everything in your life with gratitude, even the bad stuff, has lessons for us to learn that can make our life better.
  • Healing
    • The first step is to acknowledge what needs to be healed: low self-esteem, low self-confidence, not valuing you, self-doubt, not believing in the gifts that are authentically you, etc.
  • Resiliency
    • The ability to stay standing when hit with negative events, situations, and/or bounce back and move on.  Believing in the best of who we are allows us to surrender the event/situation, and recognize it as either bad timing, someone else’s emotional wounds, or something so much better is coming.
  • Inner Connected
    • This is being connected to the Divine of who we authentically are, instead of who we think we need to be. This is easy when we learn how to sync with what I call our “Innergy” or Inner Energy through deep breathing plus visualization exercises and/or meditation. This allows us to slow our brain down, allowing us to relax to feel this calm, peaceful energy.
  • Vibrationally Elevated
    • When we feel good, we are happy/joyful.  That is a higher vibration.  We can teach ourselves to live in this vibration daily.  By doing this, we feel better and start to attract the desires we want.
  • Emotionally Intelligent
    • The ability to understand and manage our emotions, especially the negative ones, as well as the ability to communicate and relate to others effectively and constructively is the capacity to handle our emotions in a flow of give and take.

Remember, as a Caregiver, you have 2 people to take care of: your loved one, and YOU.

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